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Photos of teen and adult activities: crochet, books, craft supplies, computer work

Something to Do

While Staying Home

Stuck at home? We're here to make it a little better, because teens and adults need enrichment just as much as kids do.

This page will be updated periodically with new activities!

Just Added:

Check here for the newest activities just added to the page!

Virtual Puzzle: A Reading Rainbow

Virtual Escape Room

Can you make it to the end?

Tests of the Worthy Chapter 1: Trial of Cunning and Insight

Tests of the Worthy Chapter 2: Trial of Strength


Video Guides: Crafts & Activities

Check out our playlist of crafts and how-tos (designed specially to be done with materials you probably have at home - no need to run to the craft store). We've included some tutorials on how to use our lesser-known online collections, as well!

Virtual Jigsaw Puzzles

Tip: To make the puzzles more challenging, click the rotate icon when you first open them! Or, click the grid icon to give the puzzle more (or less!) pieces.

 Purple Trees at Merrillville Branch

Sign and books Practice Shelf Care

Gnome on top of a stack of gardening books Gnome Sweet Gnome

Black tote with neon green handles. Books are popping out the top LCPL Bag O' Books

A terrier reading the book Ivan the Terrier Ivan the Terrier

The Reader statue wearing a red mask Mask Up Hoosiers!

A bronze frog sitting cross legged under a rainbow with books on meditation, coping, and being happy Peace, Love, & Books

An open book sitting on a tray in the grass with a vase of purple flowers, a teapot, a cracker and cheese plate, and a mug that says bookmarks are for quitters Bookmarks are for Quitters

Two stormtroopers behind a library desk. One is on the phone, the other is offering a book for his inspection These are Not the Books You're Looking For

The display case at lake station new chicago branch with paper decorations of books and paper letters spelling Our Books Missed You Our Books Missed You

A book lying open on a table with two stacks of books in front of it, and beyond that library shelves filled with books So Many Books

Display case filled with paper cut out decorations: Balloons, letters spelling Glad You're Back, bookworms, and books Glad You're Back

A white dog wearing glasses sitting on an old school desk with an open book. Books are Fun

A dog wearing glasses reading a book at an old timey school desk No, You Can't Borrow My Book

A 3D owl made of the pages of a discarded book Bookworm Owl

A young man sits at a picnic table reading under a large tree with splendid orange, yellow, and green leaves. Many leaves already litter the ground around him. Take a Break

R2D2 pushes a star wars book into a book drop outside Munster Branch R2D2 Returns Books

A waypointing sign showing destinations like Camelot, Who-ville, Panem, The Shire Your Next Adventure

Funny DVDs like Shazam, Rookie of the Year, and Skate Kitchen set on fake snow with snowflakes in the background Chase Away the Winter Blues

Bronze statue of two children reading on a bench Reading Statue

A small brown and white dog looking at the children's book Harry the Dirty Dog Harry Reads

Image of Bernie Sanders from the 2021 inauguration sitting with crossed arms and legs and very large mittens. Text reads Get Your Mittens on a good book. Get Your Mittens on a Good Book

A lamp in the shape of an open book, its pages glowing. It sits on top of a DVD called Enlighten Up, a book called Think by Guy P Harrison, and a book called The Dark Side of the Enlightenment by John Fleming Enlightenment

A chess board mid-game with chess instructional books stood up behind the board, one open on the corner. The novel The Queen's Gambit with the Netflix adaptation cover is in the foreground  The Queen's Gambit

The brick wall above a short bookshelf is decorated with a paper cut out of a large popcorn bag and scattered popcorn pieces. Letters spell out Pop into the library and check out a good movie  Movie Time

A row of ducks on a ledge - a few rubber ducks, a ceramic one, and in the middle Rosella wearing a face mask that looks like a duck bill  Ducks in a Row

Photo of the branch taken from a low angle with flowering plants large in the foreground  A Beautiful Day at Lake Station-New Chicago Branch

Photo of people standing at different levels on stairs holding signs that say we heart our library  We Love Our Library

Photo of a bulletin board decorated with paper ocean cut outs  Check Out the Ocean

Photo of a bulletin board decorated with tropical forest trees and animal cut outs  Check Out the Tropical Forest

Display case with a map and settings of books marked with pins and yarn  Reading Can Take You Everywhere

Woman taking many books from a shelf  I Have No Shelf Control

Stack of books with a library card on top  Library Card Sign Up Month

A brown and white dog sits among stacks and stacks of books  Perdy's Collection

Wooden shelves stocked wtih horrow books and decorated with a black cat and flying bats. There is caution tape over the front  Cats, Bats, and Books

A bulletin board with flyers for genealogy tools and events  Genealogy Offerings

A display of books all with red covers  Warm Up to a Good Book

The New Release DVD section at Merrillville  New Releases

The Giraffe sculpture from the children's department  Cecily the Giraffe

Four library workers posing with mustaches attached to the front of their face masks  We Mustache You to Solve This

A book open on a table with its center pages folded in to resemble a heart  I Heart Books

A book with several pages folded in such a way that it looks like a heart is popping out  Book Heart

The exterior of Merrillville Branch taken from a distance  Merrillville Branch

Book spines arranged in a rainbow by color on a shelf with a stuffed cat  Rainbow Books

A huge brigantine made of paper and cardboard sitting atop a bookshelf  Sail into Summer Reading

A small typewriter paperweight. The paper in it says Help. Stacks of books stretch out behind it  Need Some Help Choosing?

Huge stacks of cardboard book boxes and a round table full of books  The Big Book Sale

A library staff member holds up an old book about Dimetrodon and mimics the reptile's open mouthed grinning expression  Mimicking Dimetrodon

A large display case holding colorful dia de los muertos decorations  Día de los Muertos

Cookbooks for soup  National Soup Month

a person lying sprawled underneath many many books  Buried in Books

Chair and book with wordcloud about libraries on the wall  A Library Corner

A bushy hydrangea plant  Hydrangeas at Dyer-Schererville

An American flag made out of red white and blue book spines  Red, White, and Books

A book lying open with a pair of reading glasses on top  Reading

Many books open to show their pages  Hoosier Books

A duck puppet wearing a backpack full of books  Ducky Goes Back to School

A cat sleeping on its back in front of a book shelf  Catnap by the Books

A large crocheted bulbasaur with a witch hat and some ceramic pumpkins next to a book titled Pokemon Crochet  Crafty Crochet

A scarecrow and some decorative pumpkins surrounding the Williams Sonoma Kitchen Library Book for Thanksgiving  Happy Thanksgiving

DVD boxes labeled Oscar Winning International Films, the many faces of keanu reeves, and western collection  Binge Boxes

Books standing in a circle, spines inward, shot from above  Book Circle

Book Index to the Prerogative of Ireland, How to Trace your Irish Ancestors, and Story of the Irish Race draped with a four leaf clover scarf  Irish Genealogy

Old illustration of Merrillville Branch when it had the white paneling and yellow tower  Merrillville's New Addition

Display case filled with postcards from around the world, an old typewriter, and vintage travel paraphernalia   Summer Reading Adventure

A rainbow beaming down near the Merrillville Branch sign with red trees in the foreground  A Reading Rainbow

Book growing a treeGenealogy Corner

Brushing up on your family history? We can help.

Online Genealogy Research Tools

How to Find Genealogy Webinars During Quarantine

Using City Directories for Genealogy (Video) 

Read This!

LCPL staff picks for teens and adults

Want more?

Try our Reader's Advisory Tumblr!

Upcoming Events
Wed, Mar 12, 10:30am - 11:00am
Merrillville - Children's Programming Room
Babies and toddlers, birth - 23 months of age, accompanied by their caregivers, will enjoy this program filled with rhymes, books,... more
Babies and toddlers, birth - 23 months of age, accompanied by their caregivers, will enjoy this program filled with rhymes, books, music, and movement designed to help early literacy skills.

Wed, Mar 12, 10:30am - 11:30am
Merrillville - Meeting Room C
Free citizenship classes to help prepare adults for the Citizenship test in Chicago at the USCIS. Call 219-769-3541 ext.337 for more... more
Free citizenship classes to help prepare adults for the Citizenship test in Chicago at the USCIS. Call 219-769-3541 ext.337 for more information.

Wed, Mar 12, 11:00am - 12:00pm
Merrillville - Children's Programming Room
Join fellow baby and toddler caregivers after our storytime for a cup of coffee or tea and some conversation. Toys will be available for... more
Join fellow baby and toddler caregivers after our storytime for a cup of coffee or tea and some conversation. Toys will be available for children to play. Storytime attendance is not required.

Wed, Mar 12, 1:00pm - 3:00pm
Merrillville - Meeting Room B
Create your prefect resume with helpful resources and tips for those just getting started.

Wed, Mar 12, 1:00pm - 3:00pm
St. John - Large Meeting Room
Bring your current craft project and join in the conversation!

Wed, Mar 12, 1:00pm - 2:00pm
LCPL Virtual Branch - Public Virtual Mtg Rm 1
Join other readers for a livestream conversation with Dan Heath about Reset: How to Change What’s Not Working, and fixing what’s not... more
Join other readers for a livestream conversation with Dan Heath about Reset: How to Change What’s Not Working, and fixing what’s not working.

Wed, Mar 12, 1:30pm - 2:30pm
Cedar Lake - Meeting Room A
Homeschool children are invited to attend a program exploring a STEAM topic each session. The only requirement is imagination and... more
Homeschool children are invited to attend a program exploring a STEAM topic each session. The only requirement is imagination and registration!

Wed, Mar 12, 3:00pm - 4:30pm
Lake Station-New Chicago - Large Meeting Room
Come hang out at the library and play the Nintendo Switch, Nintendo Wii and board games! Games and snacks provided. Ages 12-18.

Wed, Mar 12, 3:30pm - 4:30pm
St. John - Children's Program Room
Kids in grades K-6 are welcome to hang out in the children's room after school. Activities may include Lego, art projects, movies, and... more
Kids in grades K-6 are welcome to hang out in the children's room after school. Activities may include Lego, art projects, movies, and more! No registration required.

Wed, Mar 12, 3:30pm - 4:00pm
Hobart - Children's Program Room
Storytime featuring stories, fingerplays, music, and a take home craft that promote pre-reading skills for kids 4-6.

Wed, Mar 12, 4:00pm - 5:00pm
Merrillville Branch - Upper Level
Are you having laptop, smartphone, or tablet issues? Book this one-hour session to receive individualized assistance with your... more
Are you having laptop, smartphone, or tablet issues? Book this one-hour session to receive individualized assistance with your technology problems. Patron must bring their device with them.
This event is full

Wed, Mar 12, 4:00pm - 5:00pm
Hobart - Programming Room
Join us at the library for a cooking program that teaches kitchen skills, nutrition, and sustainability through interactive lessons and... more
Join us at the library for a cooking program that teaches kitchen skills, nutrition, and sustainability through interactive lessons and tasty food while promoting healthy eating and food science.

Wed, Mar 12, 4:30pm - 6:30pm
Cedar Lake - Public Tables
Join us and work on your crafts at the library! Bring yarn and a size H crochet hook or size 7 knitting needles and cotton yarn - or... more
Join us and work on your crafts at the library! Bring yarn and a size H crochet hook or size 7 knitting needles and cotton yarn - or bring along a project you're already working on!

Wed, Mar 12, 5:30pm - 6:45pm
St. John - Large Meeting Room
Join the Page Turners Book Discussion as we discuss The Dictionary of Lost Words by Pip Williams. Books are available at the circulation... more
Join the Page Turners Book Discussion as we discuss The Dictionary of Lost Words by Pip Williams. Books are available at the circulation desk. Please register.

Wed, Mar 12, 6:00pm - 7:15pm
Griffith-Calumet Twp - Meeting Room
Teens & Tweens (ages 10-17) will be taken on a Food Adventure. In March, we will be making easy mint thins. To ensure there is enough... more
Teens & Tweens (ages 10-17) will be taken on a Food Adventure. In March, we will be making easy mint thins. To ensure there is enough supplies and to address food allergies, registration is required.
This event is full

Wed, Mar 12, 6:00pm - 7:30pm
Lake Station-New Chicago - Children's Program Room
Want to do a craft? Come make awesome things with different materials every month that you can take home and enjoy.

Wed, Mar 12, 6:00pm - 7:00pm
Griffith-Calumet Twp - Children's Programming Room
A new version of Art Club! Children grades K-5 will create unique works of art while we learn about different art styles, mediums, and... more
A new version of Art Club! Children grades K-5 will create unique works of art while we learn about different art styles, mediums, and famous artists.
This event is full

Wed, Mar 12, 6:00pm - 7:00pm
Merrillville - Meeting Room B
Like to draw? Like comics and cartoons? Then this is the program for you! Join us on the second Wednesday of every month to learn new... more
Like to draw? Like comics and cartoons? Then this is the program for you! Join us on the second Wednesday of every month to learn new drawing techniques and make friends with your fellow cartoonists!

Wed, Mar 12, 6:00pm - 7:00pm
Merrillville - Children's Section
All children and their families are invited to come and read to certified therapy dogs!

Wed, Mar 12, 6:00pm - 7:00pm
Highland - Meeting Room A
This month we will be making Butterfly scratch art! Space is limited. Registration is required for all attendees.

Wed, Mar 12, 6:00pm - 7:30pm
Lake Station-New Chicago - Large Meeting Room
Join us for trivia night! 4 rounds of 3 questions. There will be theme nights. Wild Card questions is the first theme night!

Thu, Mar 13, 10:30am - 12:30pm
Griffith-Calumet Twp - Meeting Room
Like to cross-stitch, knit, crochet, or do any other craft? Every Thursday, bring and work on your own project while enjoying the... more
Like to cross-stitch, knit, crochet, or do any other craft? Every Thursday, bring and work on your own project while enjoying the company of others.

Thu, Mar 13, 11:00am - 12:00pm
Merrillville - Small Group Room #2
Are you having laptop, smartphone, or tablet issues? Book this one-hour session to receive individualized assistance with your... more
Are you having laptop, smartphone, or tablet issues? Book this one-hour session to receive individualized assistance with your technology problems. Patron must bring their device with them.
This event is full

Thu, Mar 13, 11:30am - 12:30pm
Merrillville - Meeting Room A
Want to start your family tree and research your ancestors? Learn the basics of genealogy and how to find vital records that will help... more
Want to start your family tree and research your ancestors? Learn the basics of genealogy and how to find vital records that will help you connect to generations past.

Thu, Mar 13, 1:30pm - 2:15pm
Munster - Children's Program Room
Join us for a storytime program featuring stories, fingerplays, music, and an in person craft that teach pre-reading/reading skills.... more
Join us for a storytime program featuring stories, fingerplays, music, and an in person craft that teach pre-reading/reading skills. This program is for kids 4-6 years of age and their caregivers.

Thu, Mar 13, 2:00pm - 4:00pm
Lake Station-New Chicago - Large Meeting Room
Don't have the space at home for your hobby? Bring it to our meeting room and have a whole rectangular table to work on (more if less... more
Don't have the space at home for your hobby? Bring it to our meeting room and have a whole rectangular table to work on (more if less people attend). This will be every 2nd Thursday for 2 hours.

Thu, Mar 13, 4:00pm - 5:00pm
Merrillville - Small Group Room #3
Are you having laptop, smartphone, or tablet issues? Book this one-hour session to receive individualized assistance with your... more
Are you having laptop, smartphone, or tablet issues? Book this one-hour session to receive individualized assistance with your technology problems. Patron must bring their device with them.

Thu, Mar 13, 4:00pm - 5:00pm
Highland - Children's Programming Room
Children (completed grades K-5) may free build with the library's LEGO® blocks or build a 'challenge' project. Constructions will be... more
Children (completed grades K-5) may free build with the library's LEGO® blocks or build a 'challenge' project. Constructions will be displayed in the library until the next LEGO® Club meeting.

Thu, Mar 13, 4:30pm - 6:00pm
New venue Merrillville - Meeting Room A
Teens are invited to play in a Dungeons and Dragons campaign with one of our librarians as game master!
This event is full

Thu, Mar 13, 6:00pm - 8:15pm
Munster - Large Meeting Room
D&D comes to the Munster Branch Library! Join our campaign for Phandelver and Below: The Shattered Obelisk and get to the bottom of what... more
D&D comes to the Munster Branch Library! Join our campaign for Phandelver and Below: The Shattered Obelisk and get to the bottom of what is plaguing the town of Phandalin.
This event is full

Thu, Mar 13, 6:00pm - 8:00pm
Merrillville - Meeting Room B,Meeting Room C,Meeting Room D
English Classes for participants who are learning English as a second language. Different levels are available. Classes are free. Call... more
English Classes for participants who are learning English as a second language. Different levels are available. Classes are free. Call 219-769-3541 ext. 337 for more information.

Fri, Mar 14, 1:00pm - 4:00pm
Dyer-Schererville Branch - Meeting Room
Learn how to play American Mahjong. Instructor will be present at this session. Registration is limited to 8 new learners. Please... more
Learn how to play American Mahjong. Instructor will be present at this session. Registration is limited to 8 new learners. Please register. For ages 18 and over.

Fri, Mar 14, 1:00pm - 4:00pm
Dyer-Schererville - Meeting Room Whole (A & B)
Join an open play Mahjong session; there is no instructor but other players may share tips/directions. Please bring a game set if you... more
Join an open play Mahjong session; there is no instructor but other players may share tips/directions. Please bring a game set if you have one! On-hand gaming supplies are limited. Ages 18 & over.
This event is full

Fri, Mar 14, 3:30pm - 4:30pm
Hobart - Children's Program Room
Join us as we speed-solve the Rubik's Cube. Rubik's Cubes will be supplied at the program. Feel free to bring your own!

Sat, Mar 15, 10:00am - 12:00pm
Lake Station-New Chicago - Large Meeting Room
Bring your yarn, hooks and needles from home and join us to knit and crochet with fellow crafters while working on your project without... more
Bring your yarn, hooks and needles from home and join us to knit and crochet with fellow crafters while working on your project without the interruptions of home. All are welcome.

Sat, Mar 15, 10:30am - 12:00pm
Dyer-Schererville - Children's Programming Room
Kids ages 6 months through 3 years old, and their caregivers, will enjoy interacting at various block play stations. Special blocks for... more
Kids ages 6 months through 3 years old, and their caregivers, will enjoy interacting at various block play stations. Special blocks for older kids will also be available on high tables.

Sat, Mar 15, 11:00am - 12:00pm
Dyer-Schererville Branch Library - Children's Area
Children will have the opportunity to read aloud to a Power Paws therapy dog and their volunteer.

Sat, Mar 15, 1:00pm - 3:00pm
Lake Station-New Chicago - Large Meeting Room
Bring your craft projects from home and join us to chat with fellow crafters while working on your project without the interruptions of... more
Bring your craft projects from home and join us to chat with fellow crafters while working on your project without the interruptions of home. All are welcome.

Mon, Mar 17, 10:30am - 11:30am
Merrillville - Meeting Room C
Free citizenship classes to help prepare adults for the Citizenship test in Chicago at the USCIS. Call 219-769-3541 ext.337 for more... more
Free citizenship classes to help prepare adults for the Citizenship test in Chicago at the USCIS. Call 219-769-3541 ext.337 for more information.

Mon, Mar 17, 10:30am - 11:30am
Merrillville - Children's Programming Room
This is a drop-in playtime where kids, ages 2-5, can create with playdough clay and toys.

Mon, Mar 17, 10:30am - 11:00am
Dyer-Schererville - Children's Programming Room
Children will develop pre-reading skills as they enjoy stories, music, and a craft.

Mon, Mar 17, 11:00am - 12:00pm
Merrillville - Small Group Room #2
Are you having laptop, smartphone, or tablet issues? Book this one-hour session to receive individualized assistance with your... more
Are you having laptop, smartphone, or tablet issues? Book this one-hour session to receive individualized assistance with your technology problems. Patron must bring their device with them.

Mon, Mar 17, 1:30pm - 2:30pm
St. John - Large Meeting Room
Want to borrow free ebooks/audiobooks through the library? Join this small group class to learn all about using the Libby app! You must... more
Want to borrow free ebooks/audiobooks through the library? Join this small group class to learn all about using the Libby app! You must bring your own device and library card. Registration required.

Mon, Mar 17, 4:00pm - 5:00pm
Griffith-Calumet Twp - Children's Programming Room
Children (completed grades K-5) may free build with the library's LEGO® blocks or build a 'challenge' project. Constructions will be... more
Children (completed grades K-5) may free build with the library's LEGO® blocks or build a 'challenge' project. Constructions will be displayed in the library until the next LEGO® Club meeting. 

Mon, Mar 17, 4:00pm - 5:00pm
Merrillville Branch - Upper Level
Are you having laptop, smartphone, or tablet issues? Book this one-hour session to receive individualized assistance with your... more
Are you having laptop, smartphone, or tablet issues? Book this one-hour session to receive individualized assistance with your technology problems. Patron must bring their device with them.
This event is full

Mon, Mar 17, 4:30pm - 5:30pm
Merrillville - Children's Programming Room
Children (completed grades K-5) may free build with the library's LEGO® blocks or build a 'challenge' project. Constructions will be... more
Children (completed grades K-5) may free build with the library's LEGO® blocks or build a 'challenge' project. Constructions will be displayed in the library until the next LEGO® Club meeting.

Mon, Mar 17, 5:30pm - 6:30pm
Hobart - Children's Program Room
This is an adult program where participants will get to remember pastimes from childhood. We will use original Colorforms® to create... more
This is an adult program where participants will get to remember pastimes from childhood. We will use original Colorforms® to create fun images and scenes.

Mon, Mar 17, 5:30pm - 8:15pm
Dyer-Schererville - Meeting Room Whole (A & B)
The "Exploring Asian-American Cinema" program will offer a monthly film series focused on showcasing and discussing popular works in... more
The "Exploring Asian-American Cinema" program will offer a monthly film series focused on showcasing and discussing popular works in Asian-American filmmaking. Please register. Titles listed below.

Mon, Mar 17, 6:00pm - 7:00pm
Griffith-Calumet Twp - Meeting Room
Join us as we make shamrock mosaics on canvas boards. All ability programs are geared towards adults with special needs. Ages 16 and... more
Join us as we make shamrock mosaics on canvas boards. All ability programs are geared towards adults with special needs. Ages 16 and over only. Registration required.

Mon, Mar 17, 6:00pm - 8:00pm
Merrillville - Meeting Room B,Meeting Room C,Meeting Room D
English Classes for participants who are learning English as a second language. Different levels are available. Classes are free. Call... more
English Classes for participants who are learning English as a second language. Different levels are available. Classes are free. Call 219-769-3541 ext. 337 for more information.

Mon, Mar 17, 6:00pm - 7:30pm
Munster - Children's Program Room
Join us for Creativity Club where we will explore different arts and crafts mediums, learn about artists, and make cool stuff together... more
Join us for Creativity Club where we will explore different arts and crafts mediums, learn about artists, and make cool stuff together like zines and comics. Space is limited so be sure to register.

Tue, Mar 18, 10:15am - 11:00am
St. John - Large Meeting Room
Children will develop pre-reading skills as they enjoy stories, music, and a craft.

Tue, Mar 18, 10:15am - 10:45am
Munster - Large Meeting Room
In this program babies and toddlers, accompanied by their caregivers, will enjoy rhymes, books, music, and movement designed to help... more
In this program babies and toddlers, accompanied by their caregivers, will enjoy rhymes, books, music, and movement designed to help early literacy skills.

Tue, Mar 18, 10:30am - 11:00am
Highland - Children's Programming Room
Storytime for children 2 & 3 years of age, with a caregiver, featuring stories, fingerplays, music and a craft, that promote early... more
Storytime for children 2 & 3 years of age, with a caregiver, featuring stories, fingerplays, music and a craft, that promote early literacy skills. Please register all attending.
This event is full

Tue, Mar 18, 10:30am - 11:00am
Merrillville - Children's Programming Room
Toddlers and their adult caregivers will enjoy a storytime with books, rhymes, music, and a craft.

Tue, Mar 18, 10:30am - 11:00am
Hobart - Children's Program Room
Babies and toddlers, birth - 23 months of age, accompanied by their caregivers, will enjoy this program filled with rhymes, books,... more
Babies and toddlers, birth - 23 months of age, accompanied by their caregivers, will enjoy this program filled with rhymes, books, music, and movement designed to help early literacy skills.

Tue, Mar 18, 10:30am - 11:00am
Dyer-Schererville - Children's Programming Room
Storytime for children 2 & 3 years of age, with a caregiver, featuring stories, fingerplays, music and a craft, that promote early... more
Storytime for children 2 & 3 years of age, with a caregiver, featuring stories, fingerplays, music and a craft, that promote early literacy skills. Please register all attending.

Tue, Mar 18, 10:30am - 11:00am
Lake Station-New Chicago - Children's Program Room
4 and 5 year old children and their caregivers are invited to an early literacy storytime, featuring books, fingerplays, and songs that... more
4 and 5 year old children and their caregivers are invited to an early literacy storytime, featuring books, fingerplays, and songs that teach pre-reading skills and prepare children for school.

Tue, Mar 18, 11:00am - 12:00pm
Merrillville - Children's Programming Room
Join fellow baby and toddler caregivers after our storytime for a cup of coffee or tea and some conversation. Toys will be available for... more
Join fellow baby and toddler caregivers after our storytime for a cup of coffee or tea and some conversation. Toys will be available for children to play. Storytime attendance is not required.

Tue, Mar 18, 11:00am - 11:30am
Munster - Large Meeting Room
In this program babies and toddlers, accompanied by their caregivers, will enjoy rhymes, books, music, and movement designed to help... more
In this program babies and toddlers, accompanied by their caregivers, will enjoy rhymes, books, music, and movement designed to help early literacy skills.

Tue, Mar 18, 11:00am - 12:00pm
Griffith-Calumet Twp - Meeting Room
Relax via this coloring for adults open session. Enjoy a warm cup of coffee or tea while getting creative with no pressure for... more
Relax via this coloring for adults open session. Enjoy a warm cup of coffee or tea while getting creative with no pressure for perfection. Coloring materials provided.

Tue, Mar 18, 11:30am - 12:15pm
Cedar Lake - Children's Programming Room
During this storytime 4 and 5 year olds will hear stories and participate in music activities, rhymes, and other activities, with an... more
During this storytime 4 and 5 year olds will hear stories and participate in music activities, rhymes, and other activities, with an emphasis on important early pre-reading skills.

Tue, Mar 18, 11:30am - 12:30pm
Hobart - Hobart Zoom Room,Programming Room
Our March 2025 book chat title is "Maria" by Michelle Moran. Pick up a copy at the Hobart Branch to chat! Contact or... more
Our March 2025 book chat title is "Maria" by Michelle Moran. Pick up a copy at the Hobart Branch to chat! Contact or (219) 942-2243 for more details.

Tue, Mar 18, 11:30am - 11:50am
Griffith-Calumet Twp - Children's Programming Room
In this program, toddlers and their adult caregivers will enjoy a storytime with books, rhymes, music, and a craft. Registration is... more
In this program, toddlers and their adult caregivers will enjoy a storytime with books, rhymes, music, and a craft. Registration is required.
This event is full

Tue, Mar 18, 12:00pm - 12:30pm
Griffith-Calumet Twp - Children's Programming Room
Children, ages 2 - 5, are invited to join us in the Children's Programming Room to play with unique toys and socialize.

Tue, Mar 18, 3:30pm - 5:00pm
Cedar Lake - Meeting Room A
Join us for video and board games!

Tue, Mar 18, 4:00pm - 5:00pm
Are you having laptop, smartphone, or tablet issues? Book this one-hour session to receive individualized assistance with your... more
Are you having laptop, smartphone, or tablet issues? Book this one-hour session to receive individualized assistance with your technology problems. Patron must bring their device with them.

Tue, Mar 18, 6:30pm - 7:30pm
Merrillville - Meeting Room B
Join us to learn about the selected art style/movement, and make your own artwork. All materials provided. Please register.

Wed, Mar 19, 10:30am - 11:30am
Merrillville - Meeting Room C
Free citizenship classes to help prepare adults for the Citizenship test in Chicago at the USCIS. Call 219-769-3541 ext.337 for more... more
Free citizenship classes to help prepare adults for the Citizenship test in Chicago at the USCIS. Call 219-769-3541 ext.337 for more information.

Wed, Mar 19, 1:00pm - 3:00pm
St. John - Large Meeting Room
Bring your current craft project and join in the conversation!

Wed, Mar 19, 1:00pm - 3:00pm
Dyer-Schererville - Meeting Room Whole (A & B)
A plucky eleven-year-old named Margaret finds her life on the cusp of change as her family uproots from the heart of the city to a quiet... more
A plucky eleven-year-old named Margaret finds her life on the cusp of change as her family uproots from the heart of the city to a quiet suburban neighborhood. Rated PG-13; runtime of 111mins.

Wed, Mar 19, 3:30pm - 4:30pm
St. John - Children's Program Room
Kids in grades K-6 are welcome to hang out in the children's room after school. Activities may include Lego, art projects, movies, and... more
Kids in grades K-6 are welcome to hang out in the children's room after school. Activities may include Lego, art projects, movies, and more! No registration required.

Wed, Mar 19, 4:00pm - 5:00pm
Merrillville Branch - Upper Level
Are you having laptop, smartphone, or tablet issues? Book this one-hour session to receive individualized assistance with your... more
Are you having laptop, smartphone, or tablet issues? Book this one-hour session to receive individualized assistance with your technology problems. Patron must bring their device with them.

Wed, Mar 19, 4:30pm - 6:30pm
Cedar Lake - Public Tables
Join us and work on your crafts at the library! Bring yarn and a size H crochet hook or size 7 knitting needles and cotton yarn - or... more
Join us and work on your crafts at the library! Bring yarn and a size H crochet hook or size 7 knitting needles and cotton yarn - or bring along a project you're already working on!

Wed, Mar 19, 6:00pm - 7:30pm
Hobart - Programming Room
Teens, are you a fan of anime or manga? Need an excuse to watch and talk about it more often? Then register for Anime Hangout where... more
Teens, are you a fan of anime or manga? Need an excuse to watch and talk about it more often? Then register for Anime Hangout where we'll view the anime you want. Refreshments and snacks provided.

Wed, Mar 19, 6:00pm - 7:00pm
Dyer-Schererville - Children's Programming Room
Children, ages 6-12, are invited to this program where they will learn to make a craft!

Wed, Mar 19, 6:00pm - 7:00pm
Lake Station-New Chicago - Children's Program Room
Children and their families are invited to create and play with LEGO® in an hour of free play and fun. Finished creations will be... more
Children and their families are invited to create and play with LEGO® in an hour of free play and fun. Finished creations will be displayed in the library for the rest of the month!

Wed, Mar 19, 6:00pm - 7:00pm
Highland - Children's Programming Room
Children will have the opportunity to read aloud to a Power Paws therapy dog and their volunteer.

Wed, Mar 19, 6:00pm - 7:00pm
St. John - Large Meeting Room
Teens will use leftover craft supplies to make a variety of projects! Snacks will be provided. Ages 12-18. Registration required.

Wed, Mar 19, 6:30pm - 7:30pm
Griffith-Calumet Twp - Meeting Room
Teens (ages 10 to 17) are invited to watch episodes from an anime series. We'll also have art and craft supplies if you want to draw,... more
Teens (ages 10 to 17) are invited to watch episodes from an anime series. We'll also have art and craft supplies if you want to draw, sketch, or get creative. Snacks will be provided.

Wed, Mar 19, 6:30pm - 7:30pm
Cedar Lake - Meeting Room A
Join us for a discussion of "Fever in the Heartlands" by Timothy Egan. Copies are available at the front desk.

Thu, Mar 20, 10:15am - 10:45am
St. John - Large Meeting Room
This half hour lap-sit program uses songs and rhymes to foster language development.

Thu, Mar 20, 10:30am - 12:30pm
Dyer-Schererville - Meeting Room Whole (A & B)
Bring any low-mess craft (e.g., knitting, crochet, cross-stitch, coloring, origami, jewelry-making) and enjoy meeting and sharing ideas... more
Bring any low-mess craft (e.g., knitting, crochet, cross-stitch, coloring, origami, jewelry-making) and enjoy meeting and sharing ideas with other crafters during this program.  

Thu, Mar 20, 10:30am - 11:15am
Highland - Children's Programming Room
Join us for a storytime featuring stories, fingerplays, music, and a take home craft that promote pre-reading skills for kids 4-6.
This event is full

Thu, Mar 20, 10:30am - 12:45pm
St. John - Children's Program Room
Join us for this month's classic film, Rebecca. Runtime: 2 hrs&10 mins. Light refreshments will be served. Please register.

Thu, Mar 20, 10:30am - 11:00am
Lake Station-New Chicago - Children's Program Room
For this storytime babies and toddlers will participate in stories, nursery rhymes, finger plays, and music activities designed to... more
For this storytime babies and toddlers will participate in stories, nursery rhymes, finger plays, and music activities designed to enhance important pre-literacy skills.

Thu, Mar 20, 10:30am - 12:30pm
Griffith-Calumet Twp - Meeting Room
Like to cross-stitch, knit, crochet, or do any other craft? Every Thursday, bring and work on your own project while enjoying the... more
Like to cross-stitch, knit, crochet, or do any other craft? Every Thursday, bring and work on your own project while enjoying the company of others.

Thu, Mar 20, 11:00am - 11:30am
Hobart - Children's Program Room
Storytime for children 2 & 3 years of age, with a caregiver, featuring stories, fingerplays, music and a craft, that promote early... more
Storytime for children 2 & 3 years of age, with a caregiver, featuring stories, fingerplays, music and a craft, that promote early literacy skills. Please register all attending.

Thu, Mar 20, 11:00am - 12:00pm
Merrillville - Small Group Room #2
Are you having laptop, smartphone, or tablet issues? Book this one-hour session to receive individualized assistance with your... more
Are you having laptop, smartphone, or tablet issues? Book this one-hour session to receive individualized assistance with your technology problems. Patron must bring their device with them.

Thu, Mar 20, 11:15am - 12:00pm
St. John - Large Meeting Room
This half hour lap-sit program uses songs and rhymes to foster language development.

Thu, Mar 20, 11:30am - 12:30pm
Merrillville - Meeting Room A,Merrillville Zoom Room
Have you ever wanted to create a book from your family research, but felt too overwhelmed to get started? Professional genealogist... more
Have you ever wanted to create a book from your family research, but felt too overwhelmed to get started? Professional genealogist Rebecca Shamblin, will break down the process into easy steps.

Thu, Mar 20, 11:30am - 12:15pm
Cedar Lake - Children's Programming Room
Toddlers ages 2 and 3, accompanied by a caregiver, will participate in stories, finger plays, and music activities. Activities will help... more
Toddlers ages 2 and 3, accompanied by a caregiver, will participate in stories, finger plays, and music activities. Activities will help to develop important pre-literacy skills.
This event is full

Thu, Mar 20, 1:00pm - 2:00pm
LCPL Virtual Branch - Public Virtual Mtg Rm 1
Join other readers for a livestream conversation with Clara Bingham about The Movement: How Women’s Liberation Transformed America.

Thu, Mar 20, 4:00pm - 5:00pm
Are you having laptop, smartphone, or tablet issues? Book this one-hour session to receive individualized assistance with your... more
Are you having laptop, smartphone, or tablet issues? Book this one-hour session to receive individualized assistance with your technology problems. Patron must bring their device with them.

Thu, Mar 20, 6:00pm - 8:00pm
Merrillville - Meeting Room A
A panel will discuss resources available to students and adults who have some type of disability. Topics to be covered include ABLE... more
A panel will discuss resources available to students and adults who have some type of disability. Topics to be covered include ABLE accounts, IEPs, the ESA program and Special Needs Trusts.

Thu, Mar 20, 6:00pm - 8:00pm
Merrillville - Meeting Room B,Meeting Room C,Meeting Room D
English Classes for participants who are learning English as a second language. Different levels are available. Classes are free. Call... more
English Classes for participants who are learning English as a second language. Different levels are available. Classes are free. Call 219-769-3541 ext. 337 for more information.

Fri, Mar 21, 10:00am - 12:00pm
Dyer-Schererville - Meeting Room Whole (A & B)
Stop in anytime during these sessions to work on a provided puzzle, crossword, word search or coloring sheet. All supplies provides.... more
Stop in anytime during these sessions to work on a provided puzzle, crossword, word search or coloring sheet. All supplies provides. Coffee, tea, and water will be available.

Fri, Mar 21, 1:00pm - 4:00pm
Lake Station-New Chicago - Large Meeting Room
For seasoned players and beginners. Please bring your own set as on-site supplies are limited. Open play every third Friday.

Fri, Mar 21, 3:00pm - 4:30pm
Highland - Meeting Room A
Experienced and beginner seed savers will have the chance to exchange seeds and share information.

Fri, Mar 21, 3:30pm - 4:30pm
Hobart - Children's Program Room
Join us as we explore the exciting world of Rubik's Cubes! In this fun hour-long session, you'll get the chance to learn how to solve... more
Join us as we explore the exciting world of Rubik's Cubes! In this fun hour-long session, you'll get the chance to learn how to solve the first layer of the Rubik's Cube.